From The American Thinker:
August 17, 2010
What If It Were the Westboro Initiative?
Russ Vaughn
A question for all those liberal elites who are now aggressively professing their new-found enthusiasm for observing our constitutionally guaranteed religious freedom:
How loudly would you be declaring your support if instead of a mosque at Ground Zero it was the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, infamous because of its unbridled hostility to homosexuals, which was seeking to build a huge church and community resources center in San Francisco, Key West or Fire Island for like-minded Christian fundamentalists?
Consider, if you will, that while the almost universally reviled Westboro Baptist Church and its adherents defame our American war dead and bring much emotional pain to the grieving families of those honorable dead, it is adherents to the religion of this controversial mosque who are actually responsible for the fact of those war dead. And America should never forget that it was adherents to the religion this mosque embodies and proclaims who initiated a religious war against America and that without their treacherous 9/11 attack on civilians, we most likely would not have thousands of war dead for our families to grieve.
There actually are some interesting parallels between The Westboro church and the proposed Cordoba Mosque. The actions of the Westboro congregation and followers are all about outrageous, in-your-face provocation; and let's face it, isn't that exactly the issue with this mosque? Out of all the places in New York City where such an edifice could be erected, the planners behind this project just happen to pick a site as close to Ground Zero as possible?
That simply reeks of provocation. The very name of the project, the Cordoba Initiative should be a wake-up call. The Great Mosque of Cordoba is a burning symbol to Muslims of their lost grandeur when once they held Spain firmly in their caliph until Spanish King Ferdinand kicked their butts out in the 1200's. To erect an even grander mosque at the site of Islam's greatest military triumph against The Great Satan since the Middle Ages carries with it a symbolism to Muslims around the world that we infidels can only guess at. Cordoba Initiative indeed.
Who's kidding who here? This has been a deliberate, well-planned, in-your-face provocation from the get-go. And sorry as I am to have to say this, I can't help but wonder if our supposedly ex-Muslim president wasn't in on the program from that very same get-go. Like a typical black ex-senator from Illinois, he first proclaimed before his Muslim dinner guests a full-throated support of the mosque project, only the next morning to tap dance around his words.
In a spot-on observation by the Wall Street Journal's James Taranto, our no-cojones commander-in-chief has once again voted present. Those of you who remember Obama's slip on ABC with George Stephanopoulos should not be surprised.
Posted at 07:20 AM
The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis de Tocqueville
The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

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