The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

The United States Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

George Washington at Valley Forge

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Freedom Of Religion Does Not Mean Tolerance For Treason

From Cautiously Right and Alliance Defense League:

Freedom of religion does not mean tolerance for treason

Date: 8/25/2010 10:56:41 AM

By Bryan Fischer

“Treason against the United States, shall adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” Article III, Section 3

Treason is the only crime identified in the Constitution. And this is for a good reason - no nation can survive if it does not punish those who are determined to destroy it from within.

Our enemy is authentic Islam and our enemies are devout Muslims who actually believe in their holy scripture and are determined to follow the sacred teachings of their god. They are our enemies for the simple reason that their god commands them to kill us.

Treason consists in adhering to such enemies or giving them aid and comfort. This is precisely why the mosque should not be built at Ground Zero, and why zoning commissions are well within their rights to deny permits to build any more mosques in the United States.

There is no provision in the Constitution that says we must allow traitors to flourish in our midst as long as they happen to be religious. Religious traitors are just as traitorous as the non-religious kind.

It will be no defense for a Muslim to say that his treason against the United States is okay because it was done in the name of his god. That ain’t gonna fly.

It’s not as if the American people are going to say, well, it’s bad that you are working to exterminate and destroy America from within, and ordinarily we’d have to punish you, but because you’re doing it for Allah it’s okay. Go, be warm and filled. Knock yourselves out.

The bottom line is that the First Amendment provides no cover, no shelter, no excuse for treason. All this blather about religious liberty is just that - blather. The First Amendment, for devout Muslims in the U.S., is nothing more than a borrowed cloak of righteousness to conceal a heart of darkness.

Each mosque adheres to a treasonous ideology by virtue of the fact that they are bitter clingers when it comes to the Koran. Over 100 verses in the Koran call for the death of infidels.

It’s worth noting that the funding for 80% of the mosques in the United States comes from Saudi Arabia, the home of Wahhabism, the most virulent strain of Islam on the planet.

Saudi Arabia sends jihadist educational materials to each one of these mosques, material which calls on devout Muslims to shed the blood of infidels, both Jew and Christian. Each Saudi-Arabian mosque is, by definition, a center for treasonous ideology.

If there are 3,000 mosques in the United States, then we have reasons to worry about 2,400 of them.

The stated goal of the Muslim Brotherhood and its various arms is to “exterminate and destroy Western civilization.” What about “exterminate and destroy” do brain-addled Americans not understand?

They have told us what their agenda in North America is. Only willful blindness keeps foolish Americans from failing to recognize the danger in our midst.

The Hutaree Militia in some way tipped their hand to authorities, letting them know that it was not an innocent Christian group organized for purposes of self-defense but something sinister and twisted. The Hutaree could claim no protections under the First Amendment once their agenda and actions became subversive. They are currently pondering the limits of the First Amendment from the inside of a jail cell, where they belong.

Well, 80% of the mosques in America have tipped their hand. Their goal is to facilitate the death of the infidel Christians and Jews in America and fly the flag of Islam over the White House. Their goal is to give “Aid and Comfort” to those who want to destroy us.

At a minimum, this means that every mosque in America must be infiltrated by the FBI, just as agents infiltrated the Christian Hutaree militia, so that plots against American can be strangled in the cradle.

And it also means that no city council should allow itself to be browbeat into granting building permits to an organization - the religion of Islam - whose god commands his followers to kill the members of that city council. “Slay the idolaters wherever you find them,” the god of the Holy Koran says. What kind of insanity is it to insist that special protections be granted to those whose sacred Scripture commands them to kill us? It is mind-numbed craziness to cooperate with that.

Perhaps zoning commissioners can ask Muslims seeking a building permit the following questions:

1. Do you renounce the 109 verses in the Koran in which Allah calls for the death of infidels?

2. Do you renounce the teachings in the Koran that compel Christians and Jews to convert, submit, or die?

3. Do you believe that Muslims should be able freely to convert to Christianity anywhere in the world without penalty?

4. You want to build your mosque here in our city. Do you believe that Saudi Arabia should allow the building of churches in Mecca?

5. Do you renounce Hamas, which our government recognizes as a terrorist organization? And do you renounce Hezbollah and its attacks against civilians in Israel?

6. Do you believe that Israel has a right to exist?

The answers will be No, No, No, No, No and No. And that should be the answer of city officials to their request to build a center for treason in their community.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

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