from Republican Majority Campaign:
Fellow Conservatives,
Meet Raúl Grijalva: Mexico's "unofficial" Congressman from Arizona's 7th district.
Grijalva is Mexico's "unofficial" Member of Congress!
This is the man who stabbed his constituents in the back by organizing an economic boycott of his own state, because he disagrees with the tough new anti-illegal alien measure signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer.
He is one of our top targets for defeat on November 2nd.
Please read on and you'll see why he must be defeated because it gets even worse.
What kind of so-called representative would call for a national boycott of his own home state because he disagrees with a law passed by the State Legislature--a law supported by 70 percent of his fellow Arizonans?
What kind of man would attack Governor Jan Brewer as "vicious" just because she's doing her job to protect Arizona.
Answer: A man dedicated to advancing a pro-illegal alien, pro-amnesty, radical, left-wing political agenda.
Raúl Grijalva is more concerned about illegal aliens in Arizona than he is about the law-abiding citizens who have had enough of the failure of the federal government to control the borders.
Raúl Grijalva wants the rest of the country to boycott Arizona.
We here at the Republican Majority Campaign (RMC-PAC) say boycott Raúl Grijalva--not Arizona.
Raúl Grijalva deserves nothing but scorn, and defeat, from the voters of Arizona.
Any man who would drive his fellow citizens into the poor house in order to advance a radical left wing agenda, and his own career, is a sorry excuse for a member of Congress.
The boycott has hurt Arizona families. Jobs have been lost. Working people have wound up on public assistance. In Yuma, one of the cities in Grijalva's district, the unemployment rate is a staggering 20 percent and the boycott is making it worse. But Congressman Grijalva doesn't care.
He doesn't deserve the high honor of representing Arizona in Washington, D.C. He deserves to be "sent packing", forced to make an honest living in the private sector, instead of living off of our taxes on his government salary!
While his fellow Arizonans have suffered for decades from an invasion of hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, smuggling drugs, committing rape and murder, overloading schools, roads, and public facilities, this radical Congressman has opposed any and all efforts to control the flood of illegal immigration and is demanding that we give citizenship and voting rights to millions of illegal aliens now living in this country.
Obama and his allies, like Mr. Grijalva, will accept nothing less than amnesty and voting rights for illegal aliens.
Raúl Grijalva is, without question, one of the worst members of Congress. He is co-chairman of the "Progressive" caucus--a group of 82 of the most radical members of Congress.
Here are some members you might recognize: Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Chaka Fattah, Alan Grayson, Alcee Hastings, Jesse Jackson, Jr., Sheila Jackson-Lee, Dennis Kucinich, Barbara Lee, George Miller, Jim Moran, Jerry Nadler, Eleanor Holmes-Norton, Charles Rangel, Linda Sanchez, Diane Watson, Henry Waxman, and, of course, Nancy Pelosi.
And, Raúl Grijalva is the co-chairman of this left-wing crew.
Is THIS our future?
Send a message to Raúl Grijalva, and to all of the left-wing politicians who are working day and night against the best interests of the American people.
Here is the truly frightening "Progressive Caucus" agenda:
Universal health care regardless of status and a complete takeover of health care beyond even Obamacare!
Higher taxes on the "wealthy"--not just millionaires but virtually all small business.
More welfare.
Labor unions for all workers.
Open borders and amnesty and voting rights for illegal aliens.
Recognition of same-sex marriages by the federal government.
Grijalva has even pushed to have the United Nations supervise U.S. elections!
The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis de Tocqueville
The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

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