From CIR and Floyd Reports (Impeach Obama Campaign):
Smothered by the media: Obama’s sneaky move to nationalize millions of private and public acres
By Coach Collins, on August 18th, 2010
By Kevin “Coach” Collins
Barack Obama is running another three card monte game on us. This time it involves making believe he cares about conservation so he can nationalize our energy exploration industry. With far left green radicals pulling his strings Obama has started the process using an executive order.
Last April Obama chaired a conference on “America’s Great Outdoors.” At the conclusion of the meeting Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum titled America’s Great Outdoors Initiative, which of course you’ve never heard anything about.
Using platitudinous language like “21st century strategy for America’s great outdoors” The attendees included the Secretaries of the Interior, Agriculture, Environmental Protection and the head of the Council on Environmental Quality(CEQ). Nancy Sutley the CEQ chairwoman is the first lesbian appointed by Obama and confirmed just two days after he was sworn into office. Sutley worked for former California Governor Gray Davis as his “Energy Advisor”! Remember how well California’s energy systems worked then?
Since that initial gathering, this bunch has been holding meetings billed as “listen and learn” conferences around the country. We haven’t heard a word about these conferences because they are just another example of Obama sneaking behind our back to do something he knows won’t stand the light of day.
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) A main feature of this sneaky program is The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). The LWCF has been around for a long time. It is the source of funds the federal government uses to “buy” privately held land it covets. At one of these recent meetings Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spoke in glowing terms about, “..the need for additional attention to the Land and Water Conservation Fund — and the need to promptly support full funding of that fund.”
In Obama’s “Chicago way”, this means raising taxes to gather funds to put toward nationalizing millions of acres of privately and publicly owned lands across the country. If you or your state own timber land, especially if it is adjacent to a federally owned forest, you have much to fear. If you don’t think the government’s land grabbing plans are a threat think again. This will lead to still more freewheeling government spending and increase the federal debt.
To fund this raid on American private and state property, House Democrats are preparing a nationalization of energy exploration in states waters. Natural resources will soon be owned only by the federal government.
An attack on the 10th Amendment
This blatant attack on the 10th Amendment rights of states to govern themselves is part of Obama’s ongoing insidious plot to usurp every last facet of governmental power for the federal government. If Obama ever gets his hands on all of the natural resources of our country we are finished as a nation. It is imperative that we go to the polls in November and vote to stop this latest plot against our liberties.
Plan on either fighting for your liberties or becoming a slave to Obama’s Marxist government, the choice is up to you. Silence in the face of tyranny is collaboration with that tyranny.
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Pray for America.
OBAMA’S TAXES ARE COMING In January the taxes we warned Obama would shove down our throats are coming. They will be killers to all middle class American families. Go to the tool bar at the top of our home page and read about them. Use this site to contact your Congressional Representative.
Give to the Arizona defense fund it fights for all of us:
Knowledge is power. Learn the truth so you can teach our children the truth. To read more about this story, go to these sources:
Yesterday’s Rasmussen Presidential Index had Obama at – 19; Rasmussen’s latest Generic Ballot poll has Republicans +12 at 48/36 which is a Rasmussen record.
This day in history August 18
1894: Congress established the Bureau of Immigration, forerunner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
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The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis de Tocqueville
The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

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