The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

The United States Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

George Washington at Valley Forge

Sunday, February 27, 2011

MoveOn Pro-Union Protestors Scream F*** You, Attack Tea Partiers And Shove An Old Woman

From Gateway Pundit:

4:14 PM (2 hours ago)Stunner. MoveOn Pro-Union Protests Scream F*** You Attack Tea Partiers & Shove a Petite Older Woman (Video)from Gateway Pundit by Jim HoftThe hits keep coming… pro-union thugs screamed F*** you at a group of tea partiers in Georgia and then crossed the street and attacked them. A petite elderly woman was shoved by the attacking leftist goons

From the video: On Sat Feb. 26, Moveon Gwinnett sponsored a solidarity rally to support public sector unions. The “save the American Dream” rally at the Georgia state capitol was a time to rail against Republicans, Scott Walker, tea parties, and anyone who questioned the union and other leftist movements. As the event closed and participants approached tea party activists counter-protesting half a block away, the police made an effort to separate the two groups, but some union supporters went around the barriers and attacked the tea party protesters. A man assaulted a petite older woman and a Tea Party guy, and directed many hateful remarks towards the tea party activists. From misspelled signs and hokey songs, to f-bombs and violence, these union supporters had a big day!

Don’t expect the media to report on this attack.

It doesn’t fit their agenda.

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