From The American Thinker:
May 19, 2010
Arizona and the Faithless Obama
Lance Fairchok
faithless Pronunciation: \ˈfāth-ləs\ Function: adjective Date: 14th century
1 : not true to allegiance or duty : treacherous, disloyal
2 : not to be relied on : untrustworthy
Watching President Obama's news conference with Mexican President Calderon today was an infuriating experience. I expected the pandering and insincere promises and I even expected some indirect criticism of Arizona's new illegal immigration legislation. What I did not expect was Obama to be so ideologically blinded that he would make the political blunder of criticizing an American state and its lawfully elected legislative body at a press conference in lock step with a foreign head of state. I should have known better.
Obama sided with a foreign power that sees the US as a cash cow and entitled to our money and our jobs. The billions of dollars from illegals working in the states keeps the failed government of Mexico afloat. The ruling elite in Mexico know that without the US absorbing the energies of millions of young Mexicans, their country would collapse into revolution. We are the pressure vent for the discontent that would rightly fuel that revolution. Corruption defines Mexico; drugs are a symptom of a criminal pathology that has infected the very bones of the country. Rather than fully address that, it is easier to cast dispersions at the US, especially now that we are emasculated by a leftist administration.
Mexican President Calderon's criticism of Arizona is thoroughly hypocritical and opportunistic. Like Obama, he's pandering to his radical fringe who view the US as stolen territory, the La Raza racists and Reconquista cultural insurgents. Mexico's official policy is to treat the border problems as something we created, as if our success is something for which we should apologize. Obama agrees. "We are not defined by our borders," our post-modern socialist President told the assembled news people and Mexican dignitaries. Whatever utopian claptrap inspired that nonsensical comment will not resonate with the American people who are sick and tired of apologies to every foreign despot and fool.
Obama's behavior is nothing less than a betrayal of the United States and our system of government, a slap in the face of law abiding citizens who believe in states' rights and the Constitution. Obama just acted like what he is, a perpetually adolescent ideologue from the fever swamps of leftist academia. He is faithless, neither patriot nor revolutionary, an opportunist at the beck and call of special interests and radicals without an original idea of his own. He will happily sell this country down the river, a "post-American" President with no love or affinity for the people he supposedly leads.
Obama is congenitally incapable of understanding that the President of America has a duty and responsibility to all Americans, not just black Americans or Hispanic Americans or poor Americans or transgender lesbian cross-dressing Americans. He hears only the minority and the radical. We want "our" borders secured, illegals sent home and the federal government to do its job instead of trying control our lives. With unemployment above ten percent, we can use the jobs done by immigration lawbreakers. I can make my own burritos, thank you very much.
Posted at 08:21 PM
The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change
Alexis de Toqueville
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis de Tocqueville
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