The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

The United States Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

George Washington at Valley Forge

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hooray for Arizona #5

This Rush Limbaugh article was gleaned from the Patriot Update:

A Message to the President: Freedom Knows No Race, Sir

April 26, 2010


RUSH: Well, well, well, well, well, look at this. This is from, AP: Refried beans found smeared on Arizona Capitol windows! "The conflict over a sweeping crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona intensified Monday as vandals smeared refried beans in the shape of swastikas on the state Capitol's windows." Now, this is getting out of hand, ladies and gentlemen. The president of the United States needs to put a stop to this! The president of the United States was out there talking about how all of this unfairness, potential civil rights violations are taking place in Arizona and he's gotta stop this. Let's see. Let's see. Da-da-da-da-da-da. I can't find what sound bite it is. At any rate, I answered a question earlier about it. I just got this refried beans story. Hang in there with me. (muttering) Yep. Number seven. Grab audio sound bite number seven. I had sound bites 32 and number 33 in front of seven; it screwed me up. There's got to be a better way of doing this. There has to be a better way than having 15,000 pieces of paper on my desk. I don't know what it is, but there has to be. Here's audio sound bite number seven.

OBAMA: [E]fforts in Arizona which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe. In fact, I've instructed members of my administration to closely monitor the situation and examine the civil rights and other implications of this legislation. But if --

RUSH: Stop the tape, that's all we need to hear. So here's the president of the United States last Friday: "[E]fforts in Arizona which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe." Uhhh, I think the president there is blasting Arizona for simply trying to enforce the law -- the federal law, as well as now a new state law. And shortly afterwards doesn't take a couple days, but then here comes some refried beans smeared on state Capitol windows in the shape of swastikas -- and I don't think the tea party did it. Do you, Snerdley? I don't think the tea party did it. I wasn't in Arizona over the weekend. I haven't talked to anybody in Arizona over the weekend. Who could be responsible for this?

Obviously the people who at that smeared the refried beans aren't responsible because in the Clinton-Obama world you who do what you do are not responsible. Only people who talk to you are responsible for motivating you. Well, here's the president ginning up a bunch of hate in Arizona over a legal piece of legislation. Refried beans were found smeared on the Arizona Capitol windows. There were other protests over the weekend, demonstrators throwing bottles and other things at the cops. They were very violent. CNN, though, and the rest of the media described the protests as "peaceful," unlike the vicious protests of the tea party people. People were throwing rockets, bottles, so forth, smearing refried beans on State Capitol windows were a "peaceful protest." Now, it's a very simple question, folks. Isn't protecting our legal citizens from an invading army of illegal aliens who are using our services and taking our jobs, a basic notion of fairness?

Isn't that in the Constitution in where is the fairness to American citizens on here? Where is it being applied? How come the fairness here is being denied to American citizens? Fairness is a casualty because of the behavior of American citizens. What about the basic fairness of state and federal governments to protect the American citizens? So it looks to me like what's going on in Arizona -- and it's not the first time -- there is an effort to criminalize enforcing the law. And leading this effort is "Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm," leading the effort to criminalize the enforcement of the law. It's like on 9/11. Obama seems to only have empathy here for the perps. He doesn't have any empathy or sympathy for the American people in Arizona, for the American citizens out there.

"Oh, we're going to look into this! We're gonna find out how this is violating civil rights. We're going to look into this, violating the basic tenets of fairness that people all know. That's what we're going to do. We're going to look into this." Then Obama says he's going to reconnect via the immigration bill, young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women for 2010 to help stem the tide of Democrat losses in November. He did not say he was going to reach out to white people. He didn't say he was gonna reach out to white women. He didn't say he was going to reach out to white seasoned citizens. In fact, he didn't say "white people" at any time. Nope. Reconnect with young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women for 2010 -- and he left out the Asians. He left out the Asians. I don't know how they feel about that. And he left out the Native Americans. He didn't mention them, either. So guy clearly finds it, without the teleprompter, troublesome. He ends up discriminating against groups when he doesn't have a teleprompter to cover them all.


RUSH: Okay, let me clear something up here about the apparent confusion in the polling data coming out of Arizona. And I understand Fox News network is also confounded by this, and even McCain. The poll says 71% of Arizonans like the new immigration law, and the second component is that 53% think it will result in some civil rights violations. Now, the people analyzing this can't get their arms around that one, they think it's some kind of contradiction. So they're willing to blow off the poll. If 73% like the law, but over half of them think it will result in some civil rights violations, then they don't really support the law. That's the mistake they're making. This is where people in Washington, this is where the left, this is where the Obamaites in the regime do not get it. What the people of Arizona are saying is they know some civil rights will probably be violated along the way, but they don't care, they want the law. You got Hezbollah in Arizona, you got Mexican drug cartels operating in Arizona, you got a steady stream of illegals over the border and you've got people being killed now in Arizona. They are at their wits' end. Enforcing the law is the overall thing and if there are some civil rights violations, so be it. That's how desperate the situation is. They want the law anyway.

See, not everybody thinks that civil rights are the end all and be all of every single issue. But folks in Washington just cannot imagine that. Civil rights violations, oh, the worst thing we could possibly do is have civil rights violations, because it's code words, it's simple code words. Civil rights violations, you know who that's designed to stir up. And who's Obama stirring up anyway? We gotta reconnect young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women for 2010, in a video put out by the DNC over the weekend. This is the regime at its racist best. What's the regime doing? Asking blacks and Latinos to join him in a fight. What is a campaign if not a fight? He's asking young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and women to reconnect, to fight who? Who's this fight against? Civil rights violations in Arizona. We gotta make sure that the state of Arizona plays fair. Who is this fight against?

If I may say something to the leader of this regime, I mean this from the bottom of my heart. We've never had a president like this who has purposely come to divide people. But he has, and he is with that video, seeking to reconnect young people, African-Americans, Latinos, and other women for 2010, against who? Freedom has no color, Mr. President. Freedom has no race. Freedom is a human right granted by God. It is not to be parceled out by arrogant eggheads like you to people who you think are more deserving of freedom than others. Freedom ain't you. It's not your choice, Mr. President, to determine who's free and who isn't. We're all born that way. So says in our Constitution, which I know you've got some problems with. But this is not the 1800s, Mr. President. And freedom knows no race.


Read the Background Material...

• Politico: Obama Seeks to 'Reconnect Young People, African-Americans, Latinos, and Women' for 2010

• Washington Post: Obama and Democrats Appeal to New Voters in Midterms

• LA Times: Arizona's Immigration Law May Spur a Showdown

• Sweetness & Light: CNN: 'Hundreds' Demand Amnesty In AZ

• Heritage Foundation: New Arizona Immigration Law Makes Sense

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