The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

The United States Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

George Washington at Valley Forge

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The following information is from the Glenn Beck Show and was compiled by, and appeared on the Charging Elephant blog:

So What’s Up With Puerto Rico?

April 29, 2010 · 16 Comments

Why has the media been completely AWOL on this story? Click link below for bills current status.

If you missed Glenn Beck on 4-29-2010 here are the details. I’m wondering how this was not leaked and came out of nowhere to be voted on by the house? Random thoughts while observing the passing charade, I’m J.C.


Progressive Agenda:

1. Big government/ power & control (over us)

2. Democratic Elections (choices are the same) trickery or fraud

3. Social Justice: collective redemption thru government reforms and mandates

a. Redistribution of wealth

H.R 2499


HR 2499 as it relates to:

Party & Agenda

Party name …………… “The New Puerto Rico Progressive Party”

Platform describes it’s 2 goals: 1. STATEHOOD 2. SOCIAL JUSTICE

Agenda: Tennessee Plan

Party’s platform – (as written)

“……… an additional strategy for the decolonization and the claim for the admission of Puerto Rico the 51st State of the the United states

and this shall be done for process, adoption and ratification of the constitution of the State of Puerto Rico and the election of 2 Senators and

6 Federal Congress persons to appear before Congress in Washington D.C. to claim their seats and the admission of Puerto Rico as the 51st State.”


First Step:

Asks all Puerto Ricans ” Do you want to maintain the current status of Puerto Rico?” A trick question to further the Progressive Agenda.

Tells all Puerto Ricans “This is a “NON BINDING” Bill” Trick to solidify the desired response for the next question

Second Step:

Puerto Rico – Vote with only 1 real Choice

(note: 3 times they have voted “NO” 1967, 1993, and 1998 when the “direct question was asked ” Do you want to become a state?”

After HR 2499 is passed the Second question: Pick one.

Do you want Statehood?

Do you want Independence? No, they will not since they have all the benefits of US without paying taxes

Do you want modified government? In the past 3% have agreed to this choice.

Puerto Rico has been given basically one choice………. Statehood.

Third Step:

TENNESSEE PLAN (demanded statehood, before applying for statehood)

Newly elected Puerto Rican Congress persons and Senators demand Statehood for Puerto Rico (ie. Tennessee Plan). House and Senate agree.

(Those who do not agree will be labeled “racist against Hispanics” due to slander and misrepresentation by the Progressives).

Fourth Step:

Redistribution of Wealth

Standard of living in Puerto Rico is below the U.S..

Puerto Rico as a U.S. state, entitled to all welfare programs and all Federal funding by Progressive Democrats.

Final Result:

4 million new votes for the Progressive Democrats to secure “Positions” in Government



4 million new votes- Puerto Rico (HR 2499)

12 million new and growing daily – Illegals (Amnesty)

4 million new – Felons (being promised jobs in prison manufacturing solar panels)

?????? new – District of Columbia (Washington D.C.)will add Representatives which they have never been entitled to before


GB SHOW 4/28/2010

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