The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

The United States Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention

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George Washington at Valley Forge

George Washington at Valley Forge

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hooray for Arizona #14--Is it Time for a tequila Summit?--Obama Slanders Cops Again

This is a transcript from Rush Limbaugh's website:

Is it Time for a Tequila Summit? Obama Takes Shot at Arizona Cops

April 28, 2010

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RUSH: I want to know where all the stories are in the Drive-By Media about the violence about, "Hey, let's not encourage violence at the protests in Arizona. Let's be civil." I want to know where all the scrutiny from the media is on the anti-Arizona immigration law crowd. The tea parties were ridiculed and accused of things that they had not even done by President Clinton and President Obama. I have a picture I'm holding in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers of a pinata with the face of Jan Brewer, the Arizona governor on it, who, by the way, has seen a huge poll bounce ever since she signed the law, more on that. You got some little kid beating the hell out of a pinata with the face of the governor on it. Where are all the stories of the violence? It's a little kid beating up on this pinata. Get this. A bunch of namby-pamby bleeding hearts are now advocating a boycott against the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball team not only when they play at home, but when they play on the road. Man, oh, man. The leftists are just worked up into a tizzy about this.

And, of course, San Francisco employees, public city employees who earn over a hundred grand a year have been told not to travel to Arizona. They have been warned by the mayor out there, do not, you cannot, you will not go to Arizona. Here's what I think Jan Brewer ought to do. Jan Brewer, the governor of Arizona, should hold a press conference this afternoon. She should explain all of the great welfare programs the city of San Francisco offers illegal aliens and the homeless and everybody else, and then she should offer to issue one-way travel vouchers on greyhound or Amtrak to any illegal alien in Arizona who wishes to go to San Francisco. Let that smug Gavin Newsom find the money to pay for all these limousine liberal compassion programs that they've got up there. You want to keep your city employees from going into Arizona, fine, you're a sanctuary city, I think the governor of Arizona ought to offer one-way travel vouchers to illegal aliens who now find it just so dangerous and so horrible to live in the state of Arizona.

"Governor Jan Brewer signed an immigration law that launched a national debate. It has also at least temporarily helped her own chances of remaining Arizona’s governor. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state shows that 56% now approve of the way Brewer is performing her role as governor. Two weeks ago, just 40% offered their approval." She has had a bounce of 16% since she signed the immigration law into effect. Now, this Rasmussen poll, this is huge. This is speaking truth to propaganda because, remember, Obama and his regime govern against the will of the people, and Obama got no health care bounce. We were told by the regime's media that there was going to be a huge bounce in Obama's polling data after he signed the health care law, but it didn't happen. And yet the governor of Arizona gets a 16-point bounce, boost, from her own people, her own voters, and even people that didn't vote for her in the state of Arizona.

Barack Obama, ladies and gentlemen, he's got something in for the cops, there's no question. You go back to Cambridge. This guy's got some problem with police officers. Here's Obama last night in Ottumwa, Iowa, Indian Hills Community College, he held a town meeting. During the Q&A the student, Julie Morales, says, "I was wondering what your plan was for our undocumented workers who helped establish our country." Do you hear that question? Julie Morales, a student at Indian Hills Community College asks the president, "I was wondering what your plan was for our undocumented workers who helped establish our country." What is this woman being taught? Undocumented workers helped establish the country? I didn't have that chapter in my history book in junior high or high school. What in the world has this poor student been taught? Undocumented workers built and established the United States? Of course it's the kind of question the regime loves. Here is Obama's answer.

OBAMA: This law that just passed in Arizona, which I think is a poorly conceived law, you can imagine if you are a Hispanic-American in Arizona, your great grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state. But now suddenly if you don't have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you're going to be harassed, that's something that could potentially happen, I -- that's not the right way to go.

RUSH: He hasn't read the bill. He obviously hasn't read the bill. So now people have more of a right to be there because they were there before Arizona was even a state. So that's his argument, to create a phony hypothetical where families getting ice cream are hassled by stupid, bigoted policemen. This is gonna require a massive tequila summit before this is all over. We had a beer summit up in Cambridge. So Obama's now not satisfied with just attacking a state. He has to attack their police as well. I'll tell you what's poorly conceived here, is Obama's views on the cops. He thinks all these cops are going to act stupidly. This is an outrageous answer, this is an outrageous thing. Here, listen to this again. First the question, the question is absolutely baseless and ignorant. "What is your plan, Mr. President, for our undocumented workers who helped establish our country?"

OBAMA: This law that just passed in Arizona, which I think is a poorly conceived law, you can imagine if you are a Hispanic-American in Arizona, your great grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state. But now suddenly if you don't have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you're going to be harassed, that's something that could potentially happen, I -- that's not the right way to go.

RUSH: Oh, not the right way to go. Your great-grandparents may have been in Arizona before Arizona was even a state, but now suddenly if you don't have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream you're going to get harassed. So once again, this is a shot, make no mistake about it, ladies and gentlemen, at the cops.


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