The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

The United States Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

George Washington at Valley Forge

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rats Leaving Sinking Ship Update: Axelrod Leaving White House

From The Audacity of Hypocrisy:

Nov 23, 2010 (15 hours ago)Axelrod Leaving White House In Less Than 90 Days (Rats Leaving Sinking Ship)from Audacity Of Hypocrisy by adminJust on FOX News Channel this AM.

Fox has learned that David Axelrod, Obama’s closest advisor in the White House is leaving much earlier than previously admitted. Axelrod, widely acknowledged to be the “brains” behind Obama’s day-to-day WH operations, had leaked that he would be leaving in late Spring. Now, the timetable is being accelerated quickly, with The Ax expected to be out in early February. He’ll barely have time to pack his bags and steal the O keys from his typewriter!

This is very significant, but the reasoning behind it still not clear. Is Axelrod jumping ship before the SS Obama sinks completely, so he can avoid some of the blame?

Or was Axelrod pushed out by Obama’s increasingly powerful inner-core of hard-left Socialists like Podesta who want the President to assume almost dictatorial powers and rule by Executive Order? This shadow group, funded by Soros and growing stronger every day, is unfazed by the recent Republican gains in Congress. The Far Left Czars and their outside supporters want Obama to simply ignore Congress and the Constitution and rule as if possessing the Devine Right of Kings. Executive orders would become the rule of the day and the law of the land, and Obama would dare anyone to defy him. These could be very dangerous times.

No one yet really knows why Axelrod is leaving… and leaving so soon. Everyone knows it’s not for the announced goal of “spending more tine with the family.”

With Rahm and The Ax gone, who will take their place?

Who will do Obama’s thinking for him?

Why is the main title theme from Evita running through my head?

Inquiring Minds want to know

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