The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

The United States Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

George Washington at Valley Forge

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

McConnell: We Will Move To Repeal Obamacare

From The American Spectator:

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McConnell, Corker: We Will Move to Repeal ObamaCare

By Jeffrey Lord on 10.20.10 @ 12:22PM

This is from Senator McConnell's office, followed by a second e-mail concerning Senator Corker. We'll run both verbatim.

Hi, I'm Don Stewart, Sen. McConnell's communications director.

I just read your post on Sen. Corker. I wasn't with the unnamed "multiple sources," and I believe if you contact Sen. Corker's office, they'll tell you it's wrong. But I do work for Sen. McConnell and he has been unambiguous in his calls for, and his VOTE for repeal. And not just in the past, but currently. Here's what Sen. McConnell said to Laura Ingraham on the air on October 7:

"It's the single worst piece of legislation that's passed since the time I've been in the Senate. It's just been a disaster for the country. How much repealing he's [the President] willing to sign, I don't know, but I think we ought to give him the opportunity."

So now you have a NAMED source telling you ON THE RECORD that the story is wrong. I hope that helps.


Thanks, Mr. Stewart. We have no hesitation in posting this. And the second communication from you as follows, about Senator Corker:

Also, Sen. Corker spoke with DIG this morning to update, and he says the part about Sen. McConnell is wrong.

Corker also objected to DIG's report about his characterization of Sen. Mitch McConnell's plans to revisit ObamaCare. "Mitch has never said anything that wasn't 'repeal and replace,'" Corker said. "Every time he talks about this bill, he talks about repealing it and replacing it."

So now you have NAMED sources ON THE RECORD. I hope that helps.

Thanks again,


Again, thanks to Stew in the McConnell office for quickly bringing this to our attention. We're very happy to post as written. Also to include this link to the fuller Corker statement.

But I have to say the story about Corker is peculiar, no? The question of whether President Obama will sign repeal is irrelevant to conservatives. The question is will the GOP move to repeal it? All of it? Yes, the President can veto it. Congress can override presidential vetoes -- and certainly can try whether the votes are there or not

There is concern afloat that there is a considerable backsliding possibility potential for the GOP if control of the House and/or the Senate is obtained. The Corker story is exhibit A today…but Rush Limbaugh was discussing another version of this just yesterday with Congressman Darrell Issa.

It's safe to say conservatives very much have this backsliding issue on their radar.

Thanks to Senators McConnell and Corker for clarifying. We are happy to post their re-affirmations that both Senator McConnell and Senate Republicans are completely committed to a 100% repeal of ObamaCare, not simply tinkering at the edges.

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