From Liberty Defense League:
Divide and Conquer Works Every Time
Sat, Oct 2, 2010
James P. Harvey, Political Philosophy
by James P. Harvey
In order to prepare your mind for my article, please read these two letters to the editor in my morning paper, and consider, what choice do we have besides secession.
Political correctness
To the editor: The premise that all men are created equal does not infer that all men will remain equal irrespective of their differences in talent, ambition, skill and intellect — equal in opportunities and in application of laws, but not of achievement. This system of individualism was the impetus that made America the economic, political and military power in the world.
Until the liberal elites from their ivory towers decided that this system was too insensitive to minorities and proclaimed that diversity, political correctness and racial prejudice took precedence over the Constitution and existing laws. The clauses of free speech and freedom of religion, in particular, have been distorted outrageously to conform to liberal dogma.
Political correctness has erased the equality of justice to give advantage to any minority at the expense of the majority. Diversity runs counter to our cherished melting pot practice that assimilated immigrants into mainstream America by blurring of ethnic differences instead of emphasizing them. There were no hyphenated Americans then. The reality effects (if you will forgive my political incorrectness) have been to disrupt family values, dumb down our education system, bastardize the English language, bankrupt state’s coffers, destroy the principle of majority rule, foster thousands of frivolous lawsuits, render judicial opinions that defy common sense and promote voting blocs that thrive on buying votes for political favors.
Tom Knapp, Hendersonville NC
Borderline psychotic
To The Editor: Far right-wing conservatives are the most dangerous threat to America’s freedoms. We can defeat the external posturing, the bombs and idealism of al-Qaida. We can overcome leaky borders, the cost of health care for all Americans, Wall Street indifference to the middle class, and Big Oil’s fight against alternative energy sources. But, the erosive damage these narrow-minded people are causing is far more frightening. Their intolerance and disrespect for anything other than their own beliefs is un-American. In their twisted logic, they would create a perverted version of our country founded upon a total disregard for the rights of those who do not share their extremist views.
Taking the stand that other religions, Muslim or otherwise, do not have the right to openly practice theirs is a prime and obvious example of the ultra conservative’s unwillingness to genuinely believe in the U.S. Constitution. This type of thinking produces malcontent crazies such as federal building bomber Timothy McVeigh and Koran-burning Terry Jones. Listen carefully, their language is borderline psychotic, and their objectives, masked as good versus evil, are anything but. These are the people to truly fear.
Alan Parham, Mills River NC
Living in my golden years seems to only have one positive attribute: this crap will soon be over! Deep down in the lowest recesses of my mind there remains one though that has sustained me these seventy years: “it won’t be like this in the next phase of my life, and Christ Jesus will explain why it was necessary to create us as absolute idiots.” If you disagree with that statement, please write me and explain how anyone but an idiot would want to have a democratic form of government. or
Yea, I know all about the constitutional guaranty of a Republican form of government, but it would take an idiot to believe that, and all the other myths you will find in it. Let’s be real folks, and admit that only an idiot would expect the two letter writers above to live in peace and harmony. In all truthfulness, if the writer of “Borderline psychotic” lived next door to me, I would have been in jail long before now. He represents everything I hate in a human being, and there is no way in hell I could, or would even try to get along with him.
Does it not make sense for him to go one way and I another, before we put down roots and grow? He would be calling the police every time he read one of my letters to the editor, because he has no courage or common sense, and expects opposite ideology to be complacent. He would activate all that is evil in my depraved mind and I would have to spend all of my time on my knees praying for God to change me, and turn me into a like minded idiot, so I would not frighten him every time I stepped out of the house and looked in his direction. The basic idea that human beings who have apposing world views can share one type of government had to have been a brain fart by the biggest idiot who ever walked the earth.
Every time I have read one of his letters I had to run for the Maalox and guzzle the whole bottle, and he feels the same way about me, (With good reason!) but the other side of the story is, I would give the shirt off by back in thirty degree weather to a like minded man. So, what kind of idiot would have any opposition to breaking up America into several like minded States?
What is there to lose by not having someone negate my vote at election time?
What is there to lose by not having a neighbor call the police to come take my dog to the pound because it pooped in his yard? Demanding a return to a constitution that has never worked from day one is for idiots! People who feel secure because the local police have morphed into a bunch of sadistic goons with guns classifies them as certified idiots. How many articles does a man have to read to understand that secession is the one and only way that even a small amount of peace can be obtained? Surely, all of us are idiots for not being willing to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of freedom and justice for US!
BTW I have just been notified that my web site and email account has been suspended, so if you write, send it to or
Alan Parham, I’m tickled pink that you fear me, because maybe you will secede and save me the trouble.
The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change
Alexis de Toqueville
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis de Tocqueville
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