The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

The United States Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

George Washington at Valley Forge

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Obama: The Leader Of All Muslims?

From The American Thinker:

September 07, 2010

Obama, the 'leader of all Muslims'?

Monte Kuligowski

While the American leftist establishment continues to wonder why so many Americans could possibly believe that President Obama is a Muslim, a Pakistani Minister of State isn't troubled by the question. Here's a news story you're not likely to hear on the evening news with Katie Couric:

"Pak Minister wants Obama to be ‘leader of all Muslims'"

That is the headline from a Press Trust of India story presenting the request of Pakistani Minister of State, Ayatullah Durrani. That's the only "mainstream" news story I could find reporting on Durrani's statement to the Nation newspaper in Pakistan.

"Minister wants Obama to become Ameer-ul-Momineen," is the Nation's title for its story of Sept. 2. Here's how the piece reads:

ISLAMABAD - In a development that could be duly termed as one and only of its kind, an incumbent Government's Minister has urged US President Barrack Obama to offer Eid prayers at Ground Zero Mosque and become ‘Ameer-ul-Momineen' of Muslim Ummah.

Minister of State for Industries and former member Pakistan Ideological Council Ayatullah Durrani called The Nation on Wednesday to register his demand made to President Obama. ‘The coming Eid would expectedly be observed on 9/11; this a golden opportunity for President Obama to offer Eid prayers at Ground Zero and become Amir-ul-Momineen or Caliph of Muslims. In this way, all the problems of Muslim World would be solved,' he thought.

Durrani argued that Muslim World was in ‘dire need' of a Caliph and the distinguished slot of Caliphate would earn President Obama the exemplary titles of what he termed, ‘Mullah Barrack Hussain Obama' or ‘Allama Obama.' ‘The time is approaching fast. Barrack Hussain Obama must act now. This is a golden opportunity, Muslims badly need it,' he added, saying that the elevation of President Obama to Muslim's Caliphate would be the ‘key to success.'

It seems to me that Obama is following in the footsteps of his mother as an agnostic humanist who happens to have a warm spot in his heart for Islam and a thinly veiled disdain for real Christianity. Of course, to Muslim leaders around the world, the son of a Muslim is a Muslim.

Here's my challenge for Allama Obama: The next time he delivers a Cairo-type speech, I would like for him to refer to the Koran as the "Koran" and not the "Holy Qu'ran" -- and to work into the speech mention of the Bible and refer to it as the "Holy Bible."

Posted at 08:33 AM

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