The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

The Rise and Fall of Hope and Change

Alexis de Toqueville

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

The United States Capitol Building

The United States Capitol Building

The Constitutional Convention

The Constitutional Convention

The Continental Congress

The Continental Congress

George Washington at Valley Forge

George Washington at Valley Forge

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tolerance Law Center (TLC) Names Hate Groups, Including The Southern Poverty Law center (SPLC)

From The Christian Post:

December 07th, 2010 03:41 PM
No TLC for SPLC: Tolerance Law Center Names Hate Groups

Author: ADF Senior Counsel David French

So I’ve been thinking more about this whole SPLC nonsense, and I just realized something. How can I be a hate group if I’m just one dude? After all, I guess only “groups” can be hate groups.

But that’s easily fixed. As of this moment, I announce the formation of the Tolerance Law Center, an unincorporated association. The mission of the TLC is to name and shame hate groups using the methods perfected by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

First, I’m going to condemn some actual hate groups — violence-soaked, terroristic cauldrons of malice who commit unspeakable acts of violence — and call them out for their crimes. So, as the first official act of the TLC, it hereby condemns Hamas, Hezbollah, the Taliban, and al Qaeda for horrifying atrocities committed in the name of Islam. Tens of thousands of innocent men, women, and children have been victimized by their decades-long reigns of terror.

Next, with that out of the way, I’m going to find a domestic activist organization that I disagree with, accuse them of “repeated, groundless name-calling” and then classify them the exact same way that I classify actual terrorists.

Let’s see . . . who has recently engaged in “repeated, groundless name-calling” against fellow citizens?

Oh wait! The SPLC! They’ve classified organizations who do nothing more than speak passionately in support of biblical truth as hate groups — right alongside actual domestic terrorists who’ve killed people. That sounds like “groundless name-calling” to me.

So the TLC now formally classifies the SPLC as a hate group. Press release to follow.

Oh, and Washington Post, I eagerly await your coverage. Here’s some suggested language, based on your previous reporting and SPLC literature:

“This week, the Tolerance Law Center, a civil rights association headed by a director who has spent more than a decade defending civil liberties, issued a report labeling the Southern Poverty Law Center a hate group. Previously, the TLC has condemned Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Taliban for ‘crimes against humanity.’ Inclusion in the same list with noted terrorists angered the SPLC, but TLC director David French shrugged off criticism. ”The SPLC has said mean things about people for years.” French argued. ”Like the SPLC, we don’t use narrow definitions of hate that require evidence of, well, actual hate. All the TLC-named hate groups have engaged in a wide spectrum of misconduct, and our listing does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence, so we’re not guilty of slander. Honestly, we’re not.”

The TLC’s next target? Glee. The “Grilled Cheesus” episode was hurtful to Christian gleeks everywhere.

This post originally appeared here.

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